Sunday, November 25, 2007

a trip to the market

There's only a few things that I gets me really excited. One, for example, is when my partner inserts the following clause, "when we move back home", at the start of any sentence. Another example is going to the market in Leicester.

The weather forecast called for sleet yesterday, which reduced any chance for us to explore the countryside on foot without being covered head-to-toe in goretex. And all we know how much fun getting completely sodden is. As our fridge was getting quite bare, we decided it was high time we visited the market.

I'm sure you all know how much I like Leicester market, as I've written about it several times before. It's loud, brash, and in-your-face. A complete opposite of me, which is probably why I like it so; we all know how opposites attract.

The atmosphere is always fast-paced and even flirtacious, with vendors constantly calling you "love". With autumn in full gear in the market, apples, gourds, and -- gasp! -- brussel sprouts made it into our bags.

Now, with all 10 bags of produce stashed ever-so-tightly in our small fridge, it's an opportunity to make autumn comfort foods like carrot and fennel soup and apple crisp. It's too bad that you aren't here to join us for lunch today but a place setting is always available if you decide to stop by in the future :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmm.... carrot fennel soup! Do you follow a specific recipe, or just do what seems natural (i.e. cook up some onions, garlic, sliced fennel, carrots, add stock, simmer, and then throw it in the blender)?

We had our first snow of the season last night, in great wet globs! Today is beautiful and sunny though, so all is forgiven. I wish I had had my camera on my way to work this morning to capture the mountains for you. They were spectacular with fresh snow and pink light from the sunrise. :)