Sunday, June 10, 2007

punnets of fun!

I headed straight for the market, after submitting my final assignment in Leicester on Friday.

There was no time to dwell on the fact that I hadn't discovered the market until after my course was completed. I had to remedy this by the quantity of purchases.

I was like a little kid adopting a pet (rodents excluded) at the SPCA and wanting to take everything I saw home with me. I blushed when the vendors referred to me as "love" or "babe"; I still have yet to grasp that vendors, of either sex, acknowledge both male and female customers that way.

After 30 minutes of dropping a couple of pounds here and a couple of pounds there, I literally had to force myself out of the market. My fingertips lost all feeling, turning a weird shade of purple from the weight of the plastic bags, and my stance aged 50 years from having to adjust to the significant amount of goods in my backpack. [Note to self: ask for one of these for my next birthday.]

The train ride back home was very busy for a Friday afternoon but luckily, I was able to snatch a seat and managed to squeeze my bags filled with melons, ears of corn, berries, starfruits, mangoes, peaches, pears, potatoes, onions, etc. on top of me without feeling too squished. The steams from the bouquet of flowers I had bought, however, annoyingly dripped water onto my lap.

Thankfully, I was able to get a ride on the other end. Upon coming home, we both wisely decided that I should not set foot in the Leicester market unsupervised again.

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