Thursday, November 29, 2007

a few things

#1: I wore my handmade purple socks to school the other day and they stayed intact! The next test is to see how they fair after a (hand) washing.

#2: I had a visit, albeit very brief, from a friend today. To be more exact, a Canadian friend invited to give a presentation at my research unit!

[Gosh, I wish I was Dean: a free trip to Sheffield -- well, maybe, Aberdeen instead -- and so close to finishing a PhD.]

#3: Upon his arrival, I handed a bag of homemade cookies. "It's my blog's birthday. These are for you and Amanda to share".

Happy Birthday, Only in the UK!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday indeed; the cookies were brilliant.

Unknown said...

Can you post a picture of your socks, here or on Flickr? I'd love to see them!

I finished one fingerless mitt on the weekend! It's great, and I can't wait to have the 2nd one done, but I need to get back to work on presents for other people...

Amanda Lee Smith said...

yah, Dean would know, because he ate ALL of them :( Happy belated blog birthday though!