Tuesday, December 04, 2007

working from home

After travelling to and from Sheffield for four days last week, I'm spending most of the week working from home. While I may be easily distracted by one of my three current knitting projects, the urgency of getting our Christmas cards posted, and the need to go for a morning run, a work-at-home day definitely results in more continuous work time. Don't get me wrong, I love the gang in my office but I need to factor in a 25-minute walk to the train station, 40-minute train ride, and a 20-minute walk on the other side times two. And also, I don't -- uh, my husband doesn't -- have to make a sandwich for lunch the night before.

Instead of running today, I opted to go an aerobics class at the nearby leisure centre. I tend not to go because I find that the times don't really fit my schedule and the classes are of lower quality than what I'm used to. Since it looked like it was going to rain, exercising indoors was the way to go.

The one thing about the classes at the leisure centre is I never know who the instructors are for the specified class. I nearly winced at the sight of the lady who wandered in a couple minutes after the class was due to start. She was dressed entirely in black with a matching beret -- a la Parisian cafe attire. She pulled in a chair from the hallway and sat there for the entire class, while giving cues for what we had to do next. Even that was poorly done, as she spent the first half of the class complaining and only making half-arsed hand gestures of what we had to do next.

I contemplated about complaining at the front desk but for £1.75 it didn't seem worth it! And besides, it gives me a story to tell...

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