Sunday, April 22, 2007

friday to sunday

In point form:

-guzzling 2 bottles of red wine
-watching an excessive number of DVDs: Memoirs of a Geisha and Prison Break Season 1 episodes (and exceeding our weekly quota in the process!)
-watching the season finale of Meerkat Manor
-visiting Kenilworth Castle
-eating my first strawberry milk lolly (essentially a frozen milk shake on a stick)
-making 2 Chocolate and Zucchini recipes: oeuf cocotte and gateau au yaourt de la framboise
-sleeping-in on Sunday morning (to 9:30! – can you believe it?) and then finding out that the Canucks lost in Game 6
-working on my manuscript revisions for publication

1 comment:

Amanda Lee Smith said...

Good to find you at last, Helen! Great blogging—I'm now subscribed :)