Monday, April 23, 2007

work-from-home day

I’ve developed a knack for creating 4-day weekends by not going into the office on Fridays and Mondays ;) However, by default, they’re actually a means for me to work 6 days straight.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret…

I’ve discovered that must-see American tv shows (Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will and Grace) airs weekly, starting at 7 in the morning. Who knows why they’re broadcasted so early in the morning – could it possibly be to bridge the gap between the Greenwich Mean and North American time zones?

After my visit to BC, my craving for familiar tv programmes and more than 5 channels have yet to subside, which may explain the excessive DVD-watching on the weekend.

So, all-in-all, it was a good start to the morning, along with my 4 cups of my good friend, joe...

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