Friday, April 20, 2007

to the pointe

It's been nearly a week since we've been back to the land of coloured toilet paper, "you all right's?", and post-12:30 lunches (I seem to an anomaly eating my lunch before noon!). It's surprising how not out of place we feel in England. Could it be that we are - ahem, I am - adjusting to life on the Prime Meridian?

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I learned this week that I was the topic of discussion while I was away in the office. The room was split on whether I was going to come back to England or not. It was THIS CLOSE to having monetary bets placed on it.

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I started intermediate ballet (the intro class was a bit basic for my taste!) this week. I knew I was in trouble when all the other students in the class wore ballet slippers and I was just in my socks and had to spend the start of class justifying to the teacher that my ballet experience at age 8 would be sufficient enough to take this class.

We started the class on the barr and I had to mimic the pro-of-a-classmate in front of me to understand everything the teacher was cueing us to do! Don't get me wrong - I do remember all 5 positions for the feet and arms but when the teacher kept hollering terms such as arabesque, rond de jambe, battement, it was all very confusing. But it was lots of fun and I felt like one the kids in Fame - everyone was dancing up a sweat!

Before next week's class, I'll have to study the glossary of ballet terms on wikipedia.

1 comment:

Amanda Lee Smith said...

p.s. I just read through your March account of grocery shopping in the UK. WOW, you hit every nail on the head. I giggled the whole way through!