Friday, March 06, 2009

the weekend away

When my husband boarded the St. Pancras-bound train at Leicester, I asked, "What do you want to do when we get into London?"

We looked at each other and said simultaneously, "Go to Paul's".

And go there we did (I'm almost a bit embarrassed at the number of visits we made in one weekend). Not sure why we like this particular patisserie, as there are a number of bakeries to choose from. Perhaps, it's because it shares the name as our good friend back home (Hi Paul, if you're reading!)

Without a doubt, as soon as I step out of the dark and dingy Tube station, I declare my infatuation with the city and my desire to live there (even inspite of my near-viewing of a rat tail in a mound of garbage bags on the street). I spent the weekend daydreaming about living in a pretty terrace house in the Kensington area.

Since it was the birthday boy's weekend, what to do was up to him. We spent one morning at the Imperial War Museum which, surprisingly, was quite interesting.

We queued for coffee at Monmouth in Covent Garden -- well worth the wait.

We went for dinner in Chinatown before watching London's longest running play.

But mostly we walked and walked.

We even went to Greenwich one day.

The purpose of the trip was not to visit the Prime Meridian but rather, thanks to Facebook, to meet up with a girl we went to high school with. Although we hadn't seen each other in over 15 years, it was really nice to catch up with her and her family.


Anonymous said...

I love Paul's too! Have you had their macaroons? Delicious!

Helen said...

Hi Abby, I just tried the pistachio macaron this past time. It wasn't a macaron from Pierre Herme but it was still very good.