Monday, March 02, 2009


Umm, hello? You may not remember me but I am a Canadian that has relocated to Derby, England. You may better know me as the writer of this blog.

For those of you dedicated followers, you may have noticed a lack of posts of late. Unfortunately, it's not due to clandestine travels to the continent or local exploration of our surrounding areas or anything excitingly similar but rather the exact opposite -- tending to the beckoning calls from my PhD, for which I am very thankful for.

For a while there, I was quite bored. Not bored because I was tired of meeting deadlines and writing and all the other fun things but, if truth be told, bored because I had nothing to do. But now all 200 interviews have been conducted so my primary focus these days has been analyzing the data.

There's nothing to be wrong with busy. In fact, it makes you really appreciate weekends and the breaks you give yourself that much more. I find that when you're on holidays, or bored, the weekdays and weeknights seem to blur into one another. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that when one's sipping pina coladas under big umbrella but when you're working-from-home for a good chunk of the week, it can drive one quite batty.

However, in the midst of all my recent number crunching, our planned weekend to London to celebrate my husband's birthday slowly snuck up on us; not surprisingly, as being born on the 29th of February has a habit of doing so.

More photos to follow...

1 comment:

Kris said...

"clandestine travels"

I like that idea, and I love the word clandestine :)