Sunday, January 27, 2008

bronte county

In my final year of high school, I had to read Jane Eyre. To my surprise, the novel was a page-turner, such that I would get up extra early in the morning to read a couple of chapters before leaving for school. So this weekend -- amidst the mundane activities of shopping for groceries, going for a morning run, and purchasing a coffee bodum, to replace the one I had shattered into a thousand of little pieces -- we ventured into West Yorkshire for a drive and a walk through Haworth, also known as Bronte county.

Haworth is a pretty English town that you often read about, with its uneven cobbled-stone streets, cute bookshops and bakeries, a steam train, and picturesque rolling hills in the distance. And even, most shops along the high street took advantage of the town's claim to fame and included Bronte somewhere in its name.

It's been awhile since I've navigated the streets of England from the passenger seat. Despite, getting a bit dizzy from reading the fine-print network of roads in our map book, I had forgotten how fun it is to hunt for new (and funny) town names. When we got to our destination, we came across this street:

And even funnier, is that we found another street of similar name but with 'hole' in the middle of the two words.

Enroute home we stopped in and walked around Coningsburgh Castle.


Joy said...

I feel so guilty that I have been here a few years now and I haven't visited the places I've always imagined to. Your post reminded me that I should make more effort this year!

Hi! I am new to the Expat-Blog community and I hope that you'd visit my blog soon! I am currently living in England, having moved from Manila 4 years ago. Have a great week ahead!

A Pinay In England

Helen said...

Hi Joy, thanks for stopping by. I will check out your blog.