Monday, October 22, 2007

girlie me

I always wore a pink winter jacket growing up.

When I got to the age when I bought my own clothes -- as to protest my younger years of forced femininity -- I opted to buy anything but pink. And for a while there it worked, but then pink became the new black and one essential item in the wardrobe grew into many more items.

I don't know what England is doing to me but, at the moment, I'm girlier than normal. I prefer to stay at home baking, knitting, or working on my paper crafts. Whatever needs to be done, I prefer to do them while wearing a pair of Mary Janes and a sparkly hairband.

Maybe because I don't have a lot of girl friends here but on Friday -- and it's not like we don't have a wedding anniversary to celebrate every Spring -- I suggested we go for dinner for our dating anniversary (11th, if you need to know). It may sound very high school-ish of me but sometimes you need an occasion to go for a meal; it may be have been our best dinner out in Derby yet.

We ventured into Nottingham this weekend. While its fictional association with Robin Hood may be its claim-to-fame, but Nottingham is one of the UK's premier shopping destination. We walked around the city centre with a pasty in hand, browsed in the shops, and purchased items needed to make sushi and the first of our Christmas-present-to-give-list.

Most of yesterday, I nearly completed most of the potato sack, otherwise known as a sweater, I'm knitting. Even though I'm intending to give it to a 4-year old, I swear if the neck hole was a bit bigger and the arms were a bit longer, I could easily get into it. Because I don't know a little person here, I placed one of my stuffed bear in the pull-over but it was basically drowning in the lavender yarn. I contemplated going onto the street to get one of the neighbourhood kids to try it on for me but, in this day and age, that would be very wrong.

I think for my next project, I'll need to figure out this tension thing.

The remote control is in the photo as a size reference.

Luckily for my husband, it would have been truly girlie weekend, if it weren't for watching The Departed one night.

Gosh, next weekend will be better :)


Anonymous said...

Great sweater! I am also a fan of the yarn arts, but I am happier hooking; crochet hooking that is! Glad to see that you saw your project through to the end, as I am always able to gauge my isolation/winter blues with how often my projects were torn into a pile of mr. noodle squiggles. I guess I was more into the process than the product. Miss you, and can't wait to see you "o'er the holls"
love, Kerri

Helen said...

Kerri, your comment and your email made me laugh. I definitely want to make tea cozies and forage for berries and wild mushrooms. By the way, I'm totally the opposite: I'm a product girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the sweater! It turned out great!!!!


Amanda Lee Smith said...

hourray for 11 years and the colour pink! Good for you!

You (and your blog) came up over pints of Guiness in Dublin last weekend. Don't be suprised if you get some new visitors from St. Pauls hospital this week :)

Helen said...

Thanks for the heads up, Amanda ;) I hope that you'll be able to make a trip to Derbyshire next month.