Castleton is one of the staging points for many of the walks in the Peak District and also where we explored on this sunshiney, albeit very windy, Sunday. The walk took us to the highest point in the area, the Mam Tor (Mother Hill). We walked -- or some may call it 'blown' -- along the exposed ridge to the two other peaks: Black Tor and Loose Tor.

We tend to share the walking paths with fleecy, 4-legged creatures, such as these:

I'm particularly fond of the black-faced sheep -- would that make me a sheepist?
Sorry to miss talking to you yesterday. The painting is great, thanks! BTW, your new masthead is beautiful - so much nicer than the generic green squares pattern than you had before - where was the picture taken? Somewhere in the peak district?
I do have one suggestion - perhaps you could get rid of all the links in the right hand side column, and just replace then with small clickable links for each heading: About, About Me,Links, Previous, Archives that are part of the mast head - I doubt anyone uses these links much, rather we just keep on reading down until we get to something we've read before - that way getting rid of your right hand column, you'd have about 40% more usable space - or even if you could just make it a bit narrower it would free up more room on the left - anyway just my two cents - looks really nice as is.
Holy critical!
I don't know how to write html codes for what you're suggesting and besides, I like it how it is.
Thanks for commenting, pg :)
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