Sunday, August 19, 2007


The weekend started off well with French toast, lemon curd, blackberries, and Jon Bon Jovi belting out a ballad on the radio.

Need I say more?

Perhaps I should…

Finding wet weather activities in our area is difficult at best. We ventured to nearby Ripley to check out their local market but believe-it-or-not it was pathetically small. We visited Denby -- thankfully, we live close to the famed pottery centre -- and, as luck would have it, we were able to snatch one of the remaining mugs of our discontinued pattern to replace the one I accidentally broke a few weeks back.

Rest of the time: naps and scrabble games. My facebook scrabble competitors would be pleased to know that I’m running a 1 win in 10 games tally at home.

We did see The Bourne Ultimatum last night.

When you cross the Atlantic ocean, it’s rare to see a movie fresh-off-the-Hollywood-reel. However, this theory doesn’t hold if the movie stars Daniel Craig, Keira Knightley, Daniel Radcliffe, or any other British actors; Homer Simpson defied all odds by premiering in the UK before North America!

Going to the cinemas is almost like taking a transatlantic flight. While the prices are comparable to what we used to pay (and luckily, I qualify for the student reduced rate here!), we're still quite a novice to the idea of pre-selecting our seats; this is evident by our early arrival with our first-come-first-seated attitudes and -- ahem -- goodies purchased elsewhere smuggled in our pockets.

For an additional cost, you can sit in the premier seats, equivalent to business class, but we're not sure if extra leg room is involved, as we're too stingy to fork out the extra pounds, but these seats definitely closer to the emergency exits.

It's quite the process to get your seats. You're personally ushered to your assigned seating by an attendant (one per theatre) and on Saturdays, when at its busiest, there can be long queues of people waiting to get to their seats.

The cinemas also advertise parent and toddler and seniors movie showings during the week. The seniors' showing is even complete with tea and biscuits, which, I am sure, involves raised pinkies.

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