Friday, June 08, 2007


June 8th - a day that is prominently embedded in my mind and also circled in red in my agenda for the extra self-gratifying/head-nodding/pat-yourself-on-the-back touch!

It's been a trying 5 weeks getting everything that needed to get done finished. While a website design, manuscript re-submission, and pesky 2-part qualitative assignment may not seem too bad to an untrained eye but throw in a never-ending research proposal, a grant application, a poster presentation, a couple of bank holiday weekends and a few snazzy blog entries into the mix.

Although, it may seem like it's over, deadlines for another manuscript re-submission and peer-review of an anonymous manuscript are looming...

Now, I'm off to Leicester to hand in my final assignment.

Punnets of fruit here I come...

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