Sunday, March 29, 2009

unspoken pact

Without secret passwords or intricate handshakes, there's a pact amongst PhD students: one shall not ask about the other person's PhD unless the other brings it up first. This avoids a lot of unneccessary angst and stress and, most importantly, uncontrollable tears. This pact is strictly unspoken and habitual, and allows many PhD students to do what needs to get done.

Needless to say, the absence of activity on the blog is a result of the above pact. This marathon of a PhD is undergoing the start of its final push towards the finish line (note to self: no need to insert applause here yet) and I need to reserve my lexicon to finish off my thesis of eight chapters.

Until that dreaded thesis is submitted, I am enjoying the lovely weather that has bestowed upon us. That, and the fact that today's the start of Daylight Savings, spring has arrived.


Kris said...

Hi Helen. Thanks for the tip about where to get my film developed. I actually had no idea where to go, so you totally came through for me. Brilliant!
Good luck with your Thesis.

edina monsoon said...

Ooh as I read this post, I nodded and nodded my head. The last week leading to the submission date of the thesis...was when you were torn between wanting to know whether you were ahead...but too scared to ask, in case you're the one who's made the least progress. Eeeek. Best of luck:)

Helen said...

Thank you, all.