Monday, March 10, 2008

working from home

If I had to make a pros and cons list for working from home, I can assure you that the pros column will out number the cons. I mean besides the obvious points of not having to spend money on train fares nor having to spend 3 hours a day commuting, working in my sweats and not having to lug my computer to school and back are definite pluses. However, the lack of human interaction during the day is a definite drawback.

The access to the kitchen cabinets and fridge are also on the pros side. An array of beverages are always available unlike at school. (I normally don't like storing extra food in the communal kitchen because the potential for things missing-in-action is very high.) My drink preference is for Horlicks, a malted milk drink, or blackcurrant squash, both of which I drank a lot of during my childhood years. I had no inkling that they were British but all I knew was that none of my school friends had them in their homes. Even my husband, from a very British household, hadn't even sampled them before our move here on that cold day in November over a year ago.

There's nothing more British, I think, than staying warm in my jumper with my malted milk drink whilst working on the computer and avoiding train travel on the day reported to be stormiest day ever.

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