Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Mother Nature has been smiling upon us for 4 days now (a record, I believe!) for this part of England -- not end-of-July hot, but I’m not complaining -- and I’ve been delving into my summer clothes like a madwoman, despite my goose-pimply skin.

Knock on wood.

Due to the heavy rains, our bean plans were destroyed – rotten to the core from the over-watering. Our flowers were happily feasted upon by slugs, which I had to physically remove their suction-feet from the stems and gently encourage away from our backyard.

We visited the nearby garden centre this weekend for replacement plants and new additions for recently purchased containers from the £-store. Our only criterion was that the plants had to thrive on wet conditions.

It feels good to finally wear shorts and tees again, especially when working in the garden. It feels good to not have to race back into the safety of the house from the plummeting of raindrops or even, an egg from the third-floor window laden with empties [don’t ask]. It feels good to hang the laundry out to dry by the sun’s warmth.

It feels good to get my first watch tan of the season.

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