Monday, May 28, 2007


Bachelorette-living definitely does suit me.

Who knew that I would take a liking to lazing in my pajamas till noon, eating unheated food straight from the tupperware container, and leaving a mound of dirty dishes to do “later”?

Not me.

Who know that I would need to check if the door was locked and dead bolted at least 3 times during the night and jump at the sound of unfamiliar creeks when I watched Gilmore Girls on DVD last night?

Well, me.

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Everywhere, well that’s a slight exaggeration, I turn I come across a rodent trap in this city. Ewwww… Yep, the same rat boxes that I would occasionally bump into on my old stomping grounds of VGH. I have such a deathly fear of these rodents that I would have to map out alternate routes just to avoid even the sight of these traps. I would even clap my hands and stomp my feet in the vicinity of these traps, or any dark unlit area, because everyone knows that they are scared of loud noises – who cares if I look like a lunatic with my arms and legs flailing to create a sound (hey, did I mention that I take ballet weekly?). I even cower away at the sight of the poison at Wilkinson and the spring traps at B&Q but I'm constantly reminded that I should like these items but it’s the 2-D picture on the front that freaks me out.

I even requested a bubble habitat for myself for my birthday but everyone knows they can gnaw through plastic.

Sorry for this post, it is just a tactic to embarrass me out of this phobia.

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