Friday, March 30, 2007

we're here

After the longest trip ever to get to our final desination (22 hours!), we're finally here and now, the hardest part is to get over the jet lag quickly and to eat all my favourite foods in the short amount of time we have here!

We had an eventful day yesteryday -a ski in Cypress in the morning, a walk and picnic in Ambleside Park (and, suprisingly, after living in England for nearly 5 months, the prices at Whole Foods don't seem too bad!), and a homemade salmon dinner amongst friends. Sometime in the afternoon, and even after a large Tim Horton's coffee, I crashed...

I'm trying so hard to adjust to Pacific time and getting up at 5am today isn't going to help the situation!

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I'm definitely loving being back but the hardest thing to accept is that, even though I consider Vancouver my home, I have no 'home' to go to anymore here...

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