We did view a lot of animals along the way, such as pheasants, cows, chickens, horses, etc. Many were quite tamed and approached us wanting food (not the pheasant though, as we had to chase it to get a photo).
The highlight of our trip was Barley Mow, a family-run pub in Bonsall. The owner of the pub was curious where our accents where from (at the same time, I was wondering who is the one with the accent?). He was super friendly, showed us ALL his maps of the area, and suggested that we pitch a tent on his property in the future to explore the area in greater depth.

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That evening we visited the oldest inn in Britain (1189 AD) with my very young classmate from Long Island, NY. It was super cool, as it was in a cave. Definitely worthy of bringing guests in the future ;) (if anyone ever wants to visit us!)
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